Archive for March, 2013

Is Your In-House Talent … Talented?

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

One of the pre-productions services we offer is casting.

Very often a customer will intend to use in house people. This can be fine if it’s an internal training video. Trainers have experience in their expertise and adding a camera won’t really change their presentation. On the other hand, if the video is for external use, like to encourage donors and sponsors, or act as your marketing demo, real actors are worth every penny in the polished performance they can deliver.

Actors have experience in front of a camera. You’d be surprised how often people are intimidated by knowing a camera is recording them. It can change everything about their body language and their delivery. They are uncomfortable looking directly at the camera rather than at a person. If it is important that a certain person be on camera, such as your CEO, there are ways to make the process more comfortable. The session can be scripted as an interview, for example. Unfortunately, there is no way to know if there is going to be a problem until the crew and cameras are already in place, and being paid.

Real actors understand how long the process will take. If you’ve never made a video, you are only thinking about how long it will take you to actually say your 30 seconds worth of information. It is never that easy. It will always require multiple tries even for something simple. Try it this way…That word is awkward…Sorry, how does it start again?… there are always factors that will require multiple takes. Experienced actors are prepared for this and ready to do the job for as long as it takes to get it right. Informal talent aren’t always prepared for the time investment and potential frustration of multiple takes. And really, after the first few takes, people without the training have a hard time taking the process seriously. That’s going to affect your end result.